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Local First is working for positive change — Co-creating a thriving community that collectively strives to bring authentic and lasting changes within our community <3


Embrace diversity

Our mission is a collective of visionaries striving to build a united community

So here we ask, all of our brothers and sisters of the Hibiscus Coast, we take this challenge upon ourselves to abandon the labels, the sub-categories humans have been divided in to, to embrace the diversity that our beautiful Hibiscus Coast comprises of and create a force-field so strong of inspired local loyalists deliberately creating a united and thriving future for everyone who shares the goal.


The biggest lesson to be learnt from the past week in South Africa is how powerful a group of people are when they stand united.


You can build a force-field so tight, that nothing can stop what you came to do… when you want something bad enough, and A LOT of you want that same thing, you can just take it  – right? Being UNITED is what made their “displays” successful. Being United is what protected and fed our community. 


Having said that… 

Really great things happen when different people work together. 

How do we find people to team up with? You don’t do that, it just happens.


The most important things in our lives are not the things we do but the people who do it with us. 


This is a calling to ALL HUMANS ALIKE.


We are calling all locals-alike to form a community so strong that any new narrative that may enter this existence to attempt to break us down, divide us again – will crumble to pieces.  


Imagine the possibilities of a human singularity – because You are You , and I am Me, but together we are One (and exceptionally strong). This is why I have so much faith in humanity, the all of you.


So now with the global awakening of unity and the importance of being a collective unit,  we can not let them create differences.

Instead We shall embrace Diversity and show Unity. 



Let’s form part of the virtual barricade of loving and peaceful humans standing together.

Even through all current religions, organizations, ideas, etc, we know one thing is for certain – In Unity There Is Strength , all with the same ultimate goal:


 A true and free world where every being can co-exist sustainably and thrive. 



Did you imagine the possibilities of singularity a second ago?


Then you can picture a like-minded local challenge where Facebook is flooded with the South African flag and your intention of standing united.


This is only to those reaching for the same tools to design the Utopia we so desperately deserve 


The profile picture challenge

the local first challenge strength in unity
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What does it mean if you use this image as your profile "badge" image

Changing your Profile Picture to the United Challenge will nullify any further attempts at creating division where there need not be. People on social platforms using this profile picture will automatically not participate in any discriminatory discussions,  and will attempt to  mirror humans for peace. 

Using this image as your profile picture communicates:


I  will not participate in any agendas to further divide the Human-race