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General Terms & Conditions:

Local First reserves the right to refuse any application or membership renewal.

All material and descriptions must be provided in good faith and represent an accurate description of the featured establishment.


Webpages will be featured live on the site only once all required material is received. This includes:

– a completed Application or Renewal Form;
– a detailed description of the establishment;
– a minimum 15 suitable jpeg images;
– the GPS coordinates of the establishment;
– a suitable number of email addresses of recent guests for feedback purposes; alternatively, published reviews on other independent websites such as / Facebook may be considered ;
–  detailed rates for each accommodation unit

It is the establishment’s responsibility to check all information as correct once its webpage goes live. Any required changes to information, rates and images must be made via   your personal login account

Whether directly owned or managed on behalf of an owner (property agents), establishments agree not to use Local First as an online channel for the promotion of other properties not speciifically featured on their Local First webpage.  

Establishments have options for page management of only R150 per month, please use this feature if you are unable to keep your  listing updated

Cancellation of a webpage can be made 30 days in advance and in writing. No refunds are payable.

Local First is indemnified against claims, liabilities or losses that may arise from a webpage presence on this site.

Local First reserves the right to display all guest feedback with respect to the establishment, and to amend the content of any web page in light of both negative and positive feedback received.

Local First holds copyright over all establishment descriptions displayed on the website.  

Any additional costs payable by guests must be included in the quotation e.g. meals, activities and extended stays.

All quotes must be inclusive of all applicable rates, levies and taxes.

‘Best Price Guarantee’: Establishments opting for this payment method agree to state their rates at the same level they would for walk-in customers. Establishments  in violation of this face delisting. 

 establishment to ensure bank details provided are correct and up to date. For further details please refer to the relevant section below.  

Best Budget Getaways may accept bookings on behalf of the Establishment through online booking confirmation using the information provided by the establishment. It is the responsibility of the establishment to ensure that all information on heir webpage is accurate. Fees may apply for inaccurate information.

Booking cancellations and refunds:  If an establishment cancels a booking they are required to refund the guest the full amount paid by the guest without any deduction. 

No commission refunds will be issued by Best Budget Getaways in the event of a booking cancellation. 

Terms & conditions relating to Credit Card bookings

All featured establishments agree to pay commission to Best Budget Getaways on any credit card booking payments made via Best Budget Getaways.

The minimum charge is 3% (Enquiry Bundle and Uncapped subscribers); this is used to cover bank transaction costs. The maximum commission charge is 15% (for existing Commission subscribers) 

Commission is deducted from the total booking value.

Commission includes payment processing and on-payment charges.

Quotations provided must be the same as they would be for direct or walk in guests staying at the establishment.

Any additional costs payable by guests must be included in the quotation e.g. requested meals and activities. 

All establishment quotes must be inclusive of all applicable rates, levies and taxes.