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Meet a truly lekker Local


Meet a truly lekker local, Wessel Strydom.


 Waking up early to snap grand shots of our ever-changing skies is no difficult feat for him, no matter the hour, season or weather. Something he particularly enjoys is waking up and even on a cloudy day, within 15 minutes you can have the sun peeking behind the clouds and creating a picturesque view

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Capturing pictures of our beautiful beaches on a daily basis allows him to proudly display them on local platforms which spreads many smiles for locals. Kindness is a beautiful thing! Another perk is that his career allows him to travel around the coast between the Wild Coast and local airports daily – so he gets plenty of shots during the day. 


 Wessel loves watching the birdlife and is in awe of the way the sky paints something new for us to see every single day. Photography has been a great past-time for him since the 80’s, and after the 30+ years of photography and 7 years being a local, he’s built an impressive collection of photos. 


Something Wessel particularly enjoys is how contrasting the sides of the bridge are which highlights the variation of views along the Hibiscus Coast.


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local first wessel strydom hibiscus coast seconds st michaels photography
local first wessel strydom hibiscus coast seconds st michaels photography
local first wessel strydom hibiscus coast seconds st michaels photography

Some of his favourite birds to see are;
Yellow-billed kite birds, African Harriers, Egyptian geese, Swallows and Fish Eagle birds.

They are also frequent flyers at his beach of choice, St Michaels.



Wessel’s passion was born in Bloemfontein where he pursued Wedding Photography with his handy and an old school Yashica camera which he used to start his dream.


His budding photography years are when he took interest in piloting as well. Speaking of flying, Wessel was lucky enough to fly in a Microlight over Umkomaas, as well as fly with local business owner Hendrik Ludick, formerly a part of Wolf Security, who now owns Airtrack Aviation Security Solutions.



You can find Wessel behind his Cannon EOS 700D on St Michaels Beachfront capturing our frequently changing skies to brighten the Hibiscus Coast. 

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local first wessel strydom hibiscus coast seconds st michaels photography

The locals are extremely thankful to Wessel for sharing the beauty of our local stretch of Paradise. 

LOCAL Businesses


Hibiscus Coast only


071 202 6086


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Captured by Wessel Strydom