The more we give, the more we can receive, right? RIGHT!
Before posting in LOCALS IN NEED
First, ask yourself
‘Who can I help?’
‘What can i do?’
from a place of good intention, how can you give back to someone else?
Example: “Hello, my name is Kim. I am in need of stationery for my daughter. I can offer a portrait drawing. I bake really awesome cakes. I am really good at landscaping too and would love to help you with your garden. I really appreciate this opportunity” (PS – people love gratitude)
I think this small experiment could have a significant effect on the mindsets of all of us involved in looking at a more inclusive solution of “service to the community” and understanding there are enough of us to be the solution
WE can help those who share the need to pay it forward
The joy of hopeful thinking
[ptb_submission guest-post]
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