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Ladies that Link - Networking

Welcome to the “Ladies That Link” Sign-Up Form


Our vision is that of a vibrant and dynamic network of local women entrepreneurs, innovators, and professionals along the Hibiscus Coast. 

We are here to empower, connect, and collaborate with a common vision – to foster a thriving local economy while creating a supportive and resourceful community for one anotherOur mission is simple yet powerful: to provide a platform where women with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and expertise can come together to uplift one another and provide a community for collective growth. “Ladies That Link” is more than just a networking group, it’s a movement that believes in the strength of unity and the boundless potential of collaborative efforts. 


As a member of “Ladies That Link,” you will find a host of opportunities and benefits as we grow, including monthly virtual meetups, access to a diverse network of local professionals, mentorship from members, and the chance to share your knowledge and learn from others. Whether you’re an established entrepreneur or just starting your journey, our community is a place where you can find support, inspiration, and simplified solutions to common challenges.

Through shared experiences, constructive conversations, and a spirit of innovation, we aim to simplify the path to success and build a stronger, more prosperous local economy together. We invite you to join us on this exciting journey of growth, empowerment, and collaboration.

The future is bright when we link arms and work together. We look forward to having you as a part of “Ladies That Link” and “Local First” collaboration and can’t wait to see the impact we’ll create together. Welcome to our community!