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Rediscovering the Hibiscus Coast


Join the Campaign 🙂

What you get:

  • An Introductory Welcome Blog Post to Local First  – Hibiscus Coast
  • A great looking comprehensive webpage within our Marketplace with other locally-owned experiences
  • Inclusion in the 30 days of Getaways Campaign on Local First  
  • Inclusion in the relevant email and online social media campaigns (not limited locally)
  • Category and website referral within our online community group – Hibiscus Coast Seconds
  • Calendar events synced with our community calendar 
  • Ride #thelocalfirstchallenge wave with us
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What makes us different?  

  • We are focused on local getaways only, this is to make it fun and easy to support local families, improving our local economy  

  • We have a plethora of successful online social platforms, one of which has just turned 10! HCS has been advertising local businesses for 7 years and vast majority of our original clients are still with us today.
  • Our affordable 6 month DIY package offers something for everyone. It works out considerably cheaper than the standard sites. Plus you get active category referrals, direct messaging and Google Maps

What do you get for your Moola?

- EMAIL alerts with every enquiry you receive.
~  An online community Calendar to link to your Getaway.


~  A Google map identifying the location of your establishment.
~  Useful web stats to track the performance of your web page.
~  Access to a large pool of prospective guests via our niche-focused newsletters and social media campaigns and online recommendations 
~  Guest feedback (good and bad), as it comes in.

• A choice of DIY, Virtual Assistant and Monthly Listing Management

  • Ability to add BOOKING link if you have a preferred one 
    • A one-stop credit card 'Book & Pay' facility coming soon

How do the bookings work?

  • Include your booking link in your description if you have one. Once you have received and replied online to an initial email booking inquiry from our site, you have the freedom to chat with your potential guest via direct email. Phase 2 includes store-to-door delivery... 

  • You will receive an EMAIL alert notifying you of an email booking enquiry, containing a basic summary of the enquiry details.
  • Until our vendor system is up and running payments will be made privately through your getaway or through your chosen booking system 

Question is - do you qualify?

To qualify for inclusion on our site you should meet the following criteria:

1. is your establishment Locally owned

2. Is your establishment something special and out of the ordinary?  

3.. Do you have great service history when we search for previous reviews? Unsure if you cut the grade? Please feel free to contact us for a quick assessment.