1. Listing Options
1. DIY – R480 access is given to the business owner to create their listing, renewal fee will stay R480 this year 2023
2. How Long is a Listing Valid for

3. Affiliate Tiers
each affiliate will begin on TIER 1 20% – R90 from each successful listing through your unique link.
Once you have listed 50 businesses/getaways you will move to TIER2 receiving a full quarter 1/4 – R112 per successful listing (extra rewards for Tier 2 affiliates are in the plan)
4. Affiliate payment
each affiliate will receive their commissions monthly. We will be in touch for your banking details. When you TIER up, and are earning considerably there may be a possibility for weekly payments
5. Who gets the payment
There may be more than one affiliate with the same prospect, the link that is used to register and list will receive the comm.
6. Upon approval
We need resonating humans to take this movement where it ought to be. If you are approved as an affiliate, we will be in touch with your starter pack consisting of movement information for you to get a better understanding as well as materials and information for online advertising
7. Brand Awareness and Advertising
If you are approved, we will issue you with adverting material via the google drive link that will be with your resource pack. If you have any questions or ideas for new advertising concepts, our marketing team is always keen for ideas__ nothing is ever to out-of-the-box
8. Termination
There does not need to be any notice given for cancelling your affiliate partnership with us. Please inform hello@localfirst.africa with your decision.