Word of mouth is extremely helpful for a local movement to take off. Let your friends know about the Easter Fare way before market day. Sneak peaks of your products online and tag us #localfirsthc #thelocalfirstchallenge - we are here to help you gain extra exposure. The Local First team can only ever match or exceed your efforts.
We are grateful to all locals who exhibit with Market039. You allow us to make a great example of the world we want to live in where locals support locals and keep more money within the South Coast community.
We have attached our Social Media Platforms. HCS advertising is FREE on Mondays and Fridays, however we will be using other days to share your Easter Fare posts if they have engaging content, and if we get tagged @localfirsthc
All approved exhibitors will have an "open-window" to list their local business for FREE on www.localfirst.africa. This is a 6 month listing valued at R480. We will send you your code with your approval.