South Coast Groove Challenge: Join the Ultimate Traffic Light Jam!

You know that moment in the car ride when the beat drops, your head starts bobbing, and the music takes over? You’re in your own world, the ultimate concert. But then you get to a red traffic light look around, someone catches your eye, and suddenly, you hesitate. Maybe you lower the volume,roll up your window or worst of all — pretend you weren't just having the biggest performance of your life


We’re here to recruit YOU — the ultimate traffic light jammer, the one who never stops jamming no matter what. You’re the legend who turns every red light into a dance floor, and we salute you.

We need more like you — those who give zero poops about who’s watching, because your vibe isn’t just for you — it’s a gift to the world.

The Challenge: Keep the Windows Down, Keep the Jams UP , Keep on Jammin’!

Here’s where the true legends step forward. It’s easy to jam to your favourite tunes, but can you keep going when you have an audience? The real test of a traffic light jammer is how big you can go, how boldly you can groove to that nostalgic pop hit or guilty pleasure anthem. And whoever rolls up their window? Yeah, they lose. They lose the game and miss out on spreading that golden, infectious energy.

 Join the Movement: Jam Without Shame

We’re calling on every driver, passenger, and foot-tapper out there to rise up and spread the joy. Because, let’s be real: life’s too short to care what the next car over thinks. You’re out here doing the Lord’s work, making the world a little brighter one traffic jam at a time.

And don’t think for a second it goes unnoticed. You’ve seen it happen. That person across the intersection starts smiling. The passenger in the car next to you starts dancing with you. The pedestrians nod their heads, and suddenly, that mundane traffic light has turned into a shared human experience. You just turned up the vibes for an entire block.

The Jammers’ Code

  Windows down, music up – no matter what song is playing.
–  No shame in the jam – dance like no one’s watching, but secretly hope everyone is.
–  Perk up the world  – your energy is contagious; it lifts moods, raises smiles, and turns boring moments into magic.
The bigger the groove, the bigger the love** – let your freak flag fly, even if it’s to that ridiculous 90s boy band hit you secretly love.

Are You a Jammer?

Here’s how to know if you’re one of us

– You crank up the volume at red lights and live like you’re front row at a festival.
– You don’t stop moving when people are watching — you go harder.

You know music isn’t just sound – it’s a vibe you carry everywhere, especially through traffic.
– You’ve started a dance battle with a stranger and won — because you didn’t care if you looked crazy.

Spread the Word, Recruit the Jammers

We’re not here for the faint-hearted. We’re looking for the rebels, the carefree spirits, the ones who live for the groove. If you’ve ever jammed in your car like no one’s watching, we need you in our ranks. Share your jams, spread the love, and let’s make the world a happier, vibier place — one traffic light at a time.

So, what do you say? Will you keep jamming when the light turns red? Or will you roll up that window and miss out on life’s greatest groove?

Join the movement. Never stop jamming. 

Tag us in your JAMS!!!! @localfirsthc (INSTA) Local First – Hibiscus Coast (Facebook) and share the love on HCS (Hibiscus Coast Seconds) 

See you at the traffic lights, friends 
