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When your business partners with Local First and #thelocalfirstchallenge, you are helping the community.


Residents of the South Coast will, no doubt, remember reports of a missing paddler whose kayak & belongings were found on the banks of the Umzimkulu River at the river mouth in June this year. 


What many don’t know is that the missing Kayaker was Vic Pretorius, a paddler whose ambition it was to try and raise R70,000 for the SPCA Lower South Coast & Harmony Hill Charities by paddling 70 kms to celebrate his 70th Birthday.


 Sadly he was not to see his dream to fruition & he lost his life doing what he loved, paddling.



Vic’s wife, Anita Pretorius & friends seek to honour the wishes of Vic Pretorius & have decided to host a “fundraiser with a difference” on Saturday 27th August 2022 starting at 10am at Spillers Waterfront, a popular venue on the Umzimkulu River. In support of this event, organizers are sourcing prizes, donations & sponsorships which can be used toward raffles & spot prizes & raise funds toward the target income of R70,000. 



The lower South Coast SPCA will be doing 3 in 1, 5 in 1, Rabies & vaccinations at Spillers Waterfront on the day. All cats to be in cat carriers & all dogs to be on a leash.



Kayak Trips Port Shepstone have offered a reduced entry cost of R100 per person to paddle & 100% of this revenue will go toward the fund raising cause. 



The event will comprise a kayak trips, individual or relays to make up the 70kms along the banks of the Umzimkulu River. There will be a dog show with various categories of entrants. While all the activities are taking place, spectators & participants will be able to sample the local family market at the popular Fish on The River which is also situated at Spillers Waterfront


this is a grand opportunity for team building!

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