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When chaos struck with COVID and the KZN looting, leaving businesses closed and folks jobless, we didn’t back down. Enter Local First, a local directory born from the roots of Hibiscus Coast Seconds. Our journey began when we scoured the community for those unique local gems, businesses doing more than just business, and we shone a light on them with our #LocalGemSpotlight.

But we didn’t stop there. Local First is not just a directory – it’s a movement that’s grown. We’re not only shouting out local goodness to Hibiscus Coast Seconds; we’re offering a whole team dedicated to making local businesses shine. Think content creation, killer advertising strategies, logo and page design – you name it. We’re not just about places to go; we’re about supporting the heck out of local greatness.

Why? Because we’re all about opportunities. Got a business dream? We want to help you make it happen. We’re here to put your business in the limelight, sharing it with our thousands of members and followers. Together, we’re making Hibiscus Coast wealthier, happier, and more sustainable.

And guess what? We’re on a mission to spread the word about the power of reinvesting money locally. It’s not just about spending; it’s about investing in our community. Even if it’s just kicking in an extra 10% a month, it adds up to something big. We’re rallying the local businesses, teaming up with various platforms, and making sure they’re not just seen but celebrated.

Local First isn’t just a directory – it’s a community-driven force for good. Join us in making Hibiscus Coast the place to be, where local businesses thrive, dreams come alive, and we all chip in that extra bit for a flourishing community.

Local First – Because Local is Lekker, and Together, We’re Stronger! 🌟


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